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188 results

Fast calculation time and redrawing of results

Smooth results with precise meshing

Node equilibrium in the 3D FEM model

Catalog of AISC limit states and design requirements

Footing with diagonals

Steel joints of hollow section cross-section members

Stop at limit strain

Structural steel connection design for tensile rupture by advanced inelastic analysis (AISC)

Code-check of anchors (AISC)

Bolts and preloaded bolts connections

Bolt shear force calculated per shear plane

Updated CBFEM solver

Contacts between steel connection plates

Thin-walled steel members

Class 4 cross-sections: slender member plates in Member application

Welded connections analysis

IDEA StatiCa verification for prequalified moment connections by The Ohio State University

Webinar: Critical steel member design workflow with IDEA StatiCa

Webinar: Design of Steel to Concrete Connections including Base Plates

Structural loads in steel connection design

Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport drive-through canopy