The link now works for a wide variety of connections/joints. However, please take into account the yet unsupported functionality:
Limitation: Loads import
We do not support the import of load-combination which contains load-combination adding other than linear.
We do not support referencing of a load-combination inside another load combination.
Limitation: How to run SAP2000 and ETABS links with IDEA StatiCa 22.1.
Problematic versions:
- SAP2000 24.1.0
- ETABS 20.3.0
Problem description:
The new patch of SAP2000 24.1.0 does not work with the latest IDEA 22.1. Once you start Checkbot from the menu, it looks like this, and nothing can be done/clicked.
This goes for SAP2000 and ETABS as well (latest versions). The workaround is to:
1. Locate the config file (either SAP2000.exe.config or ETABS.exe.config) in
C:\Program Files\Computers and Structures\SAP2000 24\
C:\Program Files\Computers and Structures\ETABS 20\
2. Delete the following lines from the bottom of the file and save it (requires admin rights).
Alternatively, copy the file to the desktop, edit it there, and copy it back to the original folder.
This is what the file should look like (its bottom part) after the assembly binding is properly deleted:
3. Then, it is possible to run Checkbot.
Limitation: Equilibrium
To ensure the equilibrium in the nodes, please set the End Length Offsets to 0:
Limitation: Eccentricity - Centroid is not set as Cardinal point
Workaround: Import the whole joint and manually move the beams with eccentricity to the proper position.