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58 results

Bolted plate to plate connection design (AISC)

Horizontal beam-column-brace gusset (AISC)

Structural design of a footing with diagonal (AISC)

Connection design of a tubular 3D frame (AISC)

Moment connection: Wide flange to HSS (AISC)

Claw angle on WF bracing connection (AISC)

Buckling analysis of a steel connection (AISC)

Stiffness analysis of a steel connection (AISC)

Steel connection capacity design (AISC)

Steel joint design resistance (AISC)

Structural design of a general 3D joint (AISC)

Tekla Structures BIM link for connection design (EN)

ETABS BIM link for steel connection design (AISC)

SAP2000 BIM link for the structural design of a steel connection (AISC)

Robot Structural Analysis BIM link for steel connection design (AISC)

Autodesk Revit BIM link for connection design (AISC)

STAAD.Pro BIM link for steel connection design (AISC)

ETABS BIM link for steel member buckling analysis (AISC)

Fire Design Analysis of a Steel Member (EN)

IDEA StatiCa Viewer plugin for Tekla Structures

IDEA StatiCa Viewer plugin for Autodesk Revit