Parametric joint design of steel constructions with KarambaIDEA

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IDEA StatiCa took an important part in the development of the KarambaIDEA plug-in for the parametric design of constructions, introduced on a webinar in July 2020. In case you missed this webinar, you can find out here more detailed information.

KarambaIDEA is a Grasshopper plug-in that enables to export steel joints from the parametric steel structure modeled in Karamba3D to IDEA StatiCa Connection for further analysis, on a detail level.

IDEA StatiCa proudly took part in the webinar session on July 3, 2020, where Rayaan Ajouz from Bouwen met Staal and ABT presented how KarambaIDEA could be used to extend your workflow. Questions about IDEA StatiCa were covered by our Product Engineer David Kucera.

KarambaIDEA is an open-source Grasshopper plug-in developed by the SMARTconnection research project that links Karamba3D with IDEA StatiCa Connection. KarambaIDEA facilitates the interaction with IDEA StatiCa, making it possible to include joint analyses in your parametric workflow and improve the feasibility and buildability of your design.

During the webinar, Rayaan Ajouz covered the three most important workflows with KarambaIDEA – one analytical, two with IDEA StatiCa. The main goal of the tool is to evaluate steel connections as a part of parametric design of the whole construction.

Recording of the webinar

Cooperation between SMARTConnection and IDEA StatiCa 

This webinar builds on previous cooperation, where the IDEA StatiCa team took part in the SMARTConnection workshop session organized by the Dutch Steel Society / Bouwen met Staal on June 27th, 2019.  This research project makes extensive use of the new IDEA Open Model (IOM) API in order to build automated workflows. This universal interface (IOM - IDEA Open Model) can be used for the implementation of the link of any kind of third party software with IDEA StatiCa products.