What is coming in IDEA StatiCa 10.0

    Datum webináře:

  • 2019-04-17T00:00:00.0000000Z

Obsah webináře


  • Seismic check
  • Russian design code
  • Online Connection Viewer update
  • Manufacturing operations update


  • Rebar optimization
  • New templates of diaphragms
  • IOM for concrete app


Martin Rolný
Martin Rolný Provozní ředitel
IDEA StatiCa
Vít Hurčík
Vít Hurčík Produktový inženýr
IDEA StatiCa
Lukáš Juříček
Lukáš Juříček Produktový inženýr
IDEA StatiCa
We are proud to present the new features in IDEA StatiCa version 10.0. We choose the most impactful improvements from the feedback and requests we received from you.

We will show you the newest functionality of version 10.0 for steel and concrete applications. For the steel applications, the main highlights are the brand new Capacity design analysis for the seismic areas. The release of the new application Steel Member in the MVP version is the second highlight. In the concrete applications, the rebar optimization procedure in the Detail application is a huge step forward we are proud to release.

Join our experienced Product Engineers and calculate yesterday’s estimates!

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