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108 résultats

Autodesk Revit BIM link for connection design (AISC)

STAAD.Pro BIM link for steel connection design (AISC)

Structural design and code-check of a steel frame (AISC)

Structural design of a steel beam (AISC)

ETABS BIM link for steel member buckling analysis (AISC)

Fire Design Analysis of a Steel Member (EN)

Bridge load rating – Beam with the import of internal forces

Midas Civil BIM link for bridge load rating

Viewer plugin for Tekla Structures (pre-24.0 only)

Viewer plugin for Autodesk Revit (pre-24.0 only)

Viewer plugin for Autodesk Advance Steel (pre-24.0 only)

EDGE Amsterdam West - parametric design in Grasshopper

Learning Module: Buckling

Learning Module: Load Path and Failure Modes of Fully Restrained Moment Connections

Learning Module: Prying action

Grasshopper API link - how to import general plates and beams

Learning module: Strength Design by Inelastic Analysis

Design of Precast Concrete using User-defined Cross-section in IDEA StatiCa

Grasshopper API link - Cost estimation

Grasshopper API link - how to import and calculate parametric connection model