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40 résultats

3D Detail – Éléments de voile soumis à une charge générale (BETA)

Structural design of a footing with diagonal (AISC)

Base plate extended over concrete block

CBFEM - how it works, code compliance, validation and verification

Baseplate connection without anchors

Base Plate Connections (AISC)

Calculation of anchors with stand-off

Full functionalities of Detail 3D

Limitations to checks of anchors

General anchoring shapes and options

Code-check of anchors according to Canadian standards

Code-check of anchors (AISC)

Footing with diagonals

Shear force transfer in anchoring

Concrete cone area of single anchor and group of anchors

Effective area in check of contact stress in concrete

Code-check of concrete block according to Canadian standards

Code-check of concrete blocks (AISC)

Structural design of footing with diagonal (EN)

Structural design leveraging the Connection Library (EN)

Webinar: Design of Steel to Concrete Connections including Base Plates