How to replace hand calcs for steel connection design?

    Data webinar:

  • 2022-03-30T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (nella tua ora locale, formato 24-ore)

Partecipa al webinar e scopri di più

  • Introduction to the US team 
  • Model a simple connection: geometry, loads, and operations
  • Analyze using FEA and review results and report
  • Improve a connection design that is failing
  • Q&A


Andrea Castelo
Andrea Castelo Product Engineer
Yann Gueguen
Yann Gueguen Regional Sales Engineer
David Eckrote
David Eckrote Director
Join us for the first IDEA StatiCa US based webinar. You will meet the team that supports the US market as well as learn more about how the software can help you with all steel connection designs.

This webinar will help you understand how IDEA StatiCa uses finite element analysis to analyze and code check connections per AISC. Whether you are an experienced user or just want to learn more about its capabilities, we recommend you attend. You will see a summary of the theoretical background, modeling tips, and results interpretation within IDEA StatiCa. Also, we will leave some time to answer questions from the attendees. 

Two examples will be used: 

  • Connection 1. Beam to column moment connection with stiffeners: model, analysis, and results.
  • Connection 2. Complex connection: what to do when my connection is failing?

You can also try on your own following the step-by-step tutorials using the free trial license.

Webinar recording