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307 résultats

Ancrages à crochets/boulons en L dans AISC

Notes de publication pour IDEA StatiCa 22.1

Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel & Concrete 22.0

Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel & Concrete 21.1

Export of editable connections

Checkbot – flux de travail BIM en lot

Bolted plate to plate connection design (AISC)

IDEA StatiCa Connection – Structural design of steel connections

IDEA StatiCa Member – Member stability

Structural design of a footing with diagonal (AISC)

Connection tutorial - Tubular 3D frame (AISC)

Horizontal beam-column-brace gusset (AISC)

Reduced Beam Section

Double-tee Moment Prequalified Connection - AISC

Flange Plate Moment Connection

Moment connection: Wide flange to HSS (AISC)

Claw angle on WF bracing connection (AISC)

Chevron Brace Connection in a braced frame (AISC)

Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport drive-through canopy

Family home in Massachusetts