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80 résultats

Importation d’ancrage de Connection vers Detail (BETA)

Ancrages à crochets/boulons en L dans AISC

Bond strength for anchors in Detail 3D

Structural design of a footing with diagonal (AISC)

Atypical anchoring

Gusset to base plate

Heavy anchoring with a base plate

Anchoring with cleats

Directly anchored beam

Base plate extended over concrete block

Anchoring of inclined beam with openings

CBFEM - how it works, code compliance, validation and verification

Base Plate Connections (AISC)

Anchoring with ribs


Calculation of anchors with stand-off

Base plate with widener

Base plate with stiffeners

Hinged anchoring with two SHS bracing diagonals

Complex anchoring

Anchorage design of steel spherical storage tanks, Canada