Cost estimation

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The new version 20.1 of IDEA StatiCa Connection brings the calculation of connection production costs. Users can very quickly estimate the final price of the created design and optimize the connection concerning that.

Prices of individual connection components can be specified on a cost per unit weight basis in Settings. Costs can currently be defined for four basic entities:

  • Steel parts (plates and added steel members, grade dependent)
  • Welds (single and double fillet welds, ½ V and K butt welds, weld size dependent)
  • Bolt assemblies (grade and diameter dependent)
  • Hole drilling (as a percentage of bolt assembly cost)

The resulting value is presented in the 3D scene and is updated according to manufacturing operations used in the design. Detailed cost calculation is an optional part of the calculation report.

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See how it works

Watch the webinar recording part where our colleague Ryan introduces the Cost estimation feature. 

Available in Expert and Enhanced edition.


Release notes IDEA StatiCa Steel 20.1

Release notes IDEA StatiCa Concrete 20.1

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