Connection Wednesdays - Asymmetrical purlin – Complex design

    Data webinarului:

  • 2022-09-07T00:00:00.0000000Z
    (în ora dvs. locală, format de 24 de ore)

Alăturați-vă webinarului și aflați mai multe despre

  • BIM import to IDEA StatiCa
  • Structure check in Checkbot
  • Design and check of joints with IDEA StatiCa Connection
  • Design and Stability Assessment of purlin with IDEA StatiCa Member


Ralph Pullinger
Ralph Pullinger Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Alexander Szotkowski
Alexander Szotkowski Product Engineer
IDEA StatiCa
Purlins often need to be designed and checked as part of the overall structural scheme. A typical example might be a roof consisting of trapezoidal sheeting on these purlins attached to a portal or moment frame.

Comprehensive design of members and joints, including an assessment of non-linear behavior

Join the webinar and see how simple the process can be to check a selected part of a structure.

You will see the individual modules of IDEA StatiCa in use: Checkbot for the BIM import from RFEM, Connection for the design of the joints, and Member for the 2nd order design and deformation of the entire member.

During the webinar, we will focus on checking the import of internal forces, options for merging members, specifying eccentricities, and converting profiles.

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New operations for more accurate calculations

In IDEA StatiCa you now have the possibility to simulate better the stabilization of the beam by a lateral restraint. We will show how this benefits the design in our example.

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What do we have for you next?

If you want to learn more about how to most effectively use IDEA StatiCa we have some additional recordings from past webinars:

Try it on your own - get the free Trial license and follow the step-by-step tutorial for a simple steel connection or structural design of steel beam.

Webinar recording