General settings in Detail application

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All necessary settings can be found in the project summary tabs. You can modify cross-sections, materials including creep coefficients, and project identification here.

 Let's go through all settings in the Project summary tab.

Discontinuity regions

First, you can see the Discontinuity Regions (DR) list. To add a new DR, click the plus button or copy the previous one. Names and general settings of each DR can also be modified. See the figure below.


This tab is simply to look up the cross-section and add, remove, or modify it. How to work with cross-sections will be shown in the next courses.

Materials & models

As the name suggests, playing with the definition of materials is possible. This is the tab where the creep coefficients are defined.


There is a list of named general settings. You can assign these settings to individual DR in the Discontinuity Region tabs described above. 

Project data

If you didn't set the information about the project at the beginning or if you wish to change them, you can do that in the last section.  

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